The brain is a wonderful thing, It can calculate numbers, store information, create an image entirely from scratch in an instant, and send messages to your body parts telling them what to do in a matter of milliseconds. The brain is amazing, but sometimes it can become a bit cluttered.

I don't know about you but I'm an over thinker, It is so easy for me to clutter my little brain up with worry about people and just stupid little things that my brain feels like its going on overload! This year I'm taking a step back and if you can relate to what I;m saying then you should try it too:)
Take a step away from the drama and chaos, You do not have to be involved with everything, turn down some people that stress you out (I'm not saying be a d*ck but be nice about it) or go for walks and enjoy the amazing life around you, take deep breaths and feel comfortable in your skin, treat yourself right.
Life is short an energy is precious so don't waste it on things that are not worth your precious time:)
I hope this was a good motivational Monday. If you can relate to this post comment and let me know how you deal with a cluttered brain.
Have a magical Monday:)
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