Pretend you are walking down the street through a crowd of people and you feel fine and dandy as you stroll along minding your own business. Then the crowd starts to get a bit thicker and your heart starts racing; you look around you frantically looking for a way out but you sen none. Heart beats faster and your chest feels tight, almost like there is a hand squeezing every breath out of you, the sounds you hear becomes muted and people are tarting to look at you funny. You shove your way through the crowd and race to the nearest public restroom where you lock yourself in a stall and try to breath deeply. After about 5 minuets you feel a bit more normal and you continue about your day very cautious and scared that another episode might happen again.
This is what its like to have a panic attack, for the longest time I would have these episodes on a daily basis and I had no clue what the hell was wrong with me; they just got worse and worse until I told my mom about them and she told me that they were panic attacks. They are caused by the body's natural "fight or flight" response when your body feels threatened.
most of the time you don't need to fight or fly you just need to relax and tell yourself that nothing is happening to you and nothing will happen to you, I know easier said then done but eventually it will get better I promise. Deep breaths and positive thinking will make a world of a difference. I also recommend talking to a doctor or a friend, family member etc. but I don't necessary recommend taking any medication; because medication is a quick fix and can only help you for so long.
Panic attacks are a very normal thing and 60% of Americans have anxiety, so you are not alone at all and you are perfectly normal. Don't let your anxiety stop you from doing the things that you want to do; after all you only get one life so live it well.
I hope you all enjoyed this and if you did then comment and let me know how you deal with anxiety or panic attacks and if this post helped, talk to you soon:)
Hailee ♥