Tuesday, January 20, 2015

5 Reasons To Love Yourself

I don't know about you, but lately I have been feeling a bit down about myself. I know lots of people (boys included) feel this way a lot, and not to worry! it's completely normal. Now I am no goddess of confidence myself so I thought that this post might be helpful for all of us:) 

1) Sit straighter.
I know, not a very hard thing to do, but sometimes when I find myself slouched in a corner I feel a bit sloppy and invisible. It is amazing what a simple straightening of the spine can do for the confidence level. 

2) A good pair of shoes
I'm sure we have all heard the quote "Give a woman the right pair of shoes and she can take over the world" and I have to agree 100% When I'm feeling a bit drab, I pull out the combat boots and instantly feel a bit more powerful and ready for the day. 

3) outfit on point
Come on we all have that one outfit that makes us feel gorgeous and chic. weather that be a kick butt dress or even just a edgy leather jacket, if you like it wear it. 

4) healthy foods
Sometimes when im feeling a bit down it's because I'm not eating the fruits and veggies I should be. If you're feeling a bit tired and groggy a fruit smoothie can sometimes be the perfect pick me up.

5) Pamper evening
Last but not least, the most amazing thing ever envented and sure to boost you're confidence is the glorious pamper evening. Just run a hot bath, drop a bath bomb in there, light a few candles and relax. this is a sure fix to boost your confidence to 110%. 

I hope this was helpful for any of you that might be feeling a bit down and if there is anything that makes you feel better or that you just love doing to keep the confidence level up do let me know. 
            Hailee ♥


  1. Love love love this post and the whole feel of your blog! So positive and real!
    You have a new reader!

  2. These are great tips! I always love to meet up with old friends when I'm down.

  3. These comments were so nice!! huge smiles right now:):):)

  4. This is such a great post. I always try and give myself an end of the week pamper session to lift my mood, especially after a stressful week and it helps so much. I've also nominated you for the 'very inspiring blogger award' and would love if you could check it out.

    Eunice Caroline.

    1. oh my gosh you are so sweet!!! thank you! XOXO ( and yes pamper sessions are a must after a stressful week)

  5. I always find myself slouching. This just reminded me to sit up straight so thank you! Lovely blog :)
    Taylor Mayed

    1. haha When I was typing it I realized I was slouching too lol. and thank you:) XOXO
