Saturday, January 24, 2015

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

 I was feeling a bit down this morning s so I decided to check out my blog and catch up on some posts I had missed last night when I realized that  my 5 reasons to love yourself   post had 2 new comments, so I went to check them out and I discovered that the lovely Eunice Caroline (owner of Theberryway) had nominated me for the Most inspirational blogger award!

The rules are that whoever is nominated has to write 7 facts about them self and has to nominate 10 other bloggers, you also have to mention the blog that nominated you. So here it goes:)

1) I have an obsession with tea *sips tea while writing*

2) I love horses, I've been riding since I could walk

3) I'm rather short (5'2")

4) I love photography (but my pictures are crap! lol)

5) I should be working right now

6) My favorite color is pale pink (if you couldn't tell from my blog)

7) Last but not least I have the butterfingers curse ( If you are not familiar with this horrid curse, it is where you can not stop yourself from dropping anything and everything that you pick up, it also means that you are probably the most clumsy person on the face of this earth)

So there you have it, 7 facts about me:) The wonderful blogs that I nominate are...
Simply Davelyn

           Hailee ♥

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

5 Reasons To Love Yourself

I don't know about you, but lately I have been feeling a bit down about myself. I know lots of people (boys included) feel this way a lot, and not to worry! it's completely normal. Now I am no goddess of confidence myself so I thought that this post might be helpful for all of us:) 

1) Sit straighter.
I know, not a very hard thing to do, but sometimes when I find myself slouched in a corner I feel a bit sloppy and invisible. It is amazing what a simple straightening of the spine can do for the confidence level. 

2) A good pair of shoes
I'm sure we have all heard the quote "Give a woman the right pair of shoes and she can take over the world" and I have to agree 100% When I'm feeling a bit drab, I pull out the combat boots and instantly feel a bit more powerful and ready for the day. 

3) outfit on point
Come on we all have that one outfit that makes us feel gorgeous and chic. weather that be a kick butt dress or even just a edgy leather jacket, if you like it wear it. 

4) healthy foods
Sometimes when im feeling a bit down it's because I'm not eating the fruits and veggies I should be. If you're feeling a bit tired and groggy a fruit smoothie can sometimes be the perfect pick me up.

5) Pamper evening
Last but not least, the most amazing thing ever envented and sure to boost you're confidence is the glorious pamper evening. Just run a hot bath, drop a bath bomb in there, light a few candles and relax. this is a sure fix to boost your confidence to 110%. 

I hope this was helpful for any of you that might be feeling a bit down and if there is anything that makes you feel better or that you just love doing to keep the confidence level up do let me know. 
            Hailee ♥

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A Refreshing New Year

Best] New Year Inspirational Quotes For 2015, Motivational Picture ... I know I know, yet ANOTHER new year post about bettering yourself and "finding the true you" (sarcasm intended) BUT! in truth the new year is a very wonderful thing. It is natures way of giving us a fresh start saying "I'm giving you another chance ungrateful human, don't mess it up!" But in reality.... we royally screw it up.

I am determined to not screw up my year, I want to be able to say at the end of 2015 that I lived my year well. Resolutions are also a wonderful (fleeting) thing., they give you a goal to work towards and run after (figuratively of course...I mean really? who runs??) Personally I love a challenge and to me that's what a resolution is, A challenge to better yourself.

This year I plan to better myself by taking care of my body (i.e. eating right and taking care of my complexion) This (to me) is so important because if you take good care of yourself then people are going to see that, If you put good whole foods in you then they are going to shine through you (shine bright like a diamond) and come on, who doesn't want glowing skin? 

All in all the new year is an amazing thing, so take advantage of it and be productive. If there is anything that you think is essential new year let me know in the comments:) 
Have an amazing new year and a lovely day!:)

Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday, Monday

The brain is a wonderful thing, It can calculate numbers, store information, create an image entirely from scratch in an instant, and send messages to your body parts telling them what to do in a matter of milliseconds. The brain is amazing, but sometimes it can become a bit cluttered. 
I don't know about you but I'm an over thinker, It is so easy for me to clutter my little brain up with worry about people and just stupid little things that my brain feels like its going on overload! This year I'm taking a step back and if you can relate to what I;m saying then you should try it too:) 

Take a step away from the drama and chaos, You do not have to be involved with everything, turn down some people that stress you out (I'm not saying be a d*ck but be nice about it) or go for walks and enjoy the amazing life around you, take deep breaths and feel comfortable in your skin, treat yourself right.

Life is short an energy is precious so don't waste it on things that are not worth your precious time:)

I hope this was a good motivational Monday. If you can relate to this post comment and let me know how you deal with a cluttered brain. 
Have a magical Monday:)